A Message from Our Pastor
Good afternoon, Temple Family.
I am excited to announce that we have decided to resume on-campus services Sunday, August 16th @ 10:30.
We will have one more Sunday (this Sunday, the 9th) with Church @ Home offered online only and then next Sunday (the 16th) and moving forward, we will offer church online and in person. We will be moving the service time to 10:30 starting this week.
Here are some details of what that will look like…
We will only offer one service time at 10:30a.
We are asking you to wear a mask as you enter the building until you are seated at which time you are free to remove your mask if you want to.
We will not be offering Children’s Ministry for any ages initially (including Infant & Toddler Nurseries).
Services will be BYOC (Bring Your Own Coffee). We will not be serving coffee and our water fountains will be closed. We will have bottles of water available instead.
We are asking that you sit together as family units for now and leave two empty seats between you and another family unit on your row. We have adjusted our rows to allow for social distancing.
We will not be passing the offering plates. There will be offering boxes placed at the back of the room.
There will be hand sanitizing stations throughout the campus and we have deep cleaned the auditorium, including the chairs, with products that are above and beyond even the CDC requirements.
For now, we will be removing the Bible and cards from underneath the seats.
When we offer communion, it will be disposable containers.
If you do not feel comfortable coming back to worship on campus yet, there is no shame in that. We will be livestreaming our services so that you can join us online as we gather.
We are not intending to shame you when we ask that if you are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, if you are running a fever, or if you are at-risk, you please continue to worship with us online from your home.
I’m sure there will be more questions as we move forward, but we intend to walk through them with humility and grace. We love you and we can’t wait to see you!
I love you!
- Doug